For as little as $3 a month (our voyeur level) you get a PDF of the current issue sent to you. At the Wicked level $6 a month, you'll receive the print issue (print issue sent after 2 payments to cover printing and shipping) and PDF version of the quarterly issue, as well as a mention on our Member wall. If you go whole hog for the confidante level at $12 a month, you get everything the previous level as well as a surprise gift every solstice. Every level has the satisfaction of knowing that the money is for the the authors, poets, and artists of the magazine. My goal is to double what I pay our submitters by the end of 2025.

Mission Statement

Last Girls Club is my legacy. It is my pandemic fever dream made real. Society has always revealed its fears through horror. Every age has its themes and speaks on a deeper level to what people are really thinking about in the wee hours of the morning.

Last Girls Club is me holding up a torch and inviting the monsters to step forward into the light. If we nail their feet to the floor, speak their names, and tell their stories in the firelight we might learn how to stop them or at least divert them. My themes are a journalistic approach of striking into stone the collective unconscious and preserving where we were during these trying times.

The Last Girls Club is from the feminine gaze and voice, because I want to broaden the spectrum of fiction and poetry and have both the readers and authors empathize with genre/gender bending powerful women facing terrors using their abilities to overcome them or succumb to them. Here we are willing to try the new, the unthinkable, flipping the classics, and taking delight in the dark feminine energy that is rising in the world. Here we are fucked up, funny, and a little bit bloody. Just like you…

—Eda Easter

Owner and Editor in Chief

Rabbit Moon Media Services

Latest Issues

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Spring Equinox 2025 Issue no. 17 Lost at Sea

Whether you're adrift in a failing life raft, absconded by mermaids, or held hostage by pirates, you're Lost at Sea. Come join us in the clubhouse while we tell spooky tails by the aquarium(for gods' sake do not try to feed the creatures in there, flesh isn't they only thing they'll take a chunk out of. They also like sanity and souls). You'll find the story of a real life pirate queen from our salty historian, a graveyard for seamen in Sweden, sometime they can only bury the name with no body. Our seer Sopurkh does a deep dive on the history of Hawthorn and predicts the engertics of Spring. Our guest columnist tells us the story of Violet Jessop who survived three ships sinking, including the Titanic. Our book reviewer Kiera reviews two horror books set on the high seas. Buy it for the stories and poetry; stay for the screams.

Winter 24 Issue no 16 Underground

Let's go Underground this winter. Genetic anomalies, kidnappings, cannibalism, aliens, feminist werewolves, and ghosts. No telling what you'll find down here. Well, we went and looked down the rabbit hole. Our resident tombstone tourist will take you to Greece to visit the Necropolis. We have a new movie gemologist, who finds hidden horror gems to share with you. Our curator of chaos and books is back with an anthology that will take you into the red forest and leave you to gibber in terror. Our salty historian is on deck to whisk you back to a 19th century feminist movement you never heard of and our guru Sopurkh has intuited your energetic transits for the new season and given you a deep dive on the herb mugwort. Sealing the deal, our patron witch will teach you to summon and banish the four corners of your magical circle. Welcome to the Last Girls Club. Let's Party through the darkest nights of the year and keep the monsters at bay. Grab a rocket launcher and comfy chair. The games are about to start.

Fall 2024 Issue no. 15 Demagogues

Demagogue is defined as a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using a rational argument. Some synonyms for a demagogue are fanatic, fomenter, hothead, incendiary, inciter, instigator, politician, rabble-rouser, radical, rebel, revolutionary, troublemaker. It's an election year in the US. Things are promising to get weird and/or violent. The rest of the world looks like their having the same fight coming to their doors.

Summer 2024 Issue no. 14 Fire Season

The world is on fire, environmentally and politically and we wanted to poke the bloated corpse with a stick. Inside this issue, along with the latest fiction and poetry from international authors, you will learn of the Black Church in Transylvania, of a women’s clothing trend that literally caught fire in the 19th century, book reviews that will sear their way into your psyche, and the burning Summer messages the universe has for you. You also can begin your journey learning the basics of witchcraft from our Patron Witch, the Black Lake Witch Gina McMillen. So grab your grimoires and find a comfy spot on your couch. It’s time to plan your world domination and hang with your weirdo friends at the Last Girls Club

Spring Equinox 2024 Issue no 13 Poison

Welcome to lucky issue 13. This season is full of poisonous little treats. We have a new indie horror book reviewer and a new Cities of the Dead Columnist. Our moon priestess prophesies your seasonal delights and we have a of murder of short stories and poems to give you horripilation of all your parts. (Horripilation is the erection of your body hair due to cold, fear or excitement. It's a lovely word isn't it?)

Winter Solstice 2023 no 12 Clones, Drones, and Ready Made Meals

Happy Yule! The shortest day of the year and the death of the sun gods, when the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. Join us while we celebrate the inevitable dystopian future facing us all when the AI overlords who will surely bomb or starve us into extinction for our hubris and ignorance finally strike.

Before humanity winks out like a twinkle in Kris Kringle’s eye, let’s gather together and share stories of technology run amok. Our sexpert Karma Eve discusses sex and the information age, our salty historian Mary Bengtsson reveals the season of female Santas, our spinster of horror Jess Stuart recalls her time as a robotic spouse, and our editor Eda Easter visits a Texas cemetery with an alien grave from the 1800s. Our Black Lake Witch explains Yule and tells us the legend of La Befana and Sopurkh, our seer, reveals what the season has in store for you.

Throw another Yule log on the fire, get in your most festive onesie, and curl up on the couch with us to celebrate the end of the year.

Fall Equinox 2023 no. 11

This One’s For The Weirdos

It's time to celebrate the weirdos. It's not too hard considering we are the weirdos, Mister. The last few themes of the magazine were pretty heavy and I decided it was time for a little fun, and, boy howdy, did I hit the mother lode. Our columnists and authors had a blast with it.

We discuss the commodification of weird, how being weird saved lives and turned people into mentors for the other little weirdos in the world. Our salty historian brings us another boss from the past who defied convention all the way to and beyond the grave. Speaking of graves, this season's Cities of the Dead is a mini cookbook of graveside recipes passed on to future generations.

Let's not forget it's spooky season, our patron witch Gina has your Witches' New Year Ceremony, a recipe for Black Salt, and some candle magic to light your way through the new year. All this cradling a clutch of dark fiction and poetry to chill your bones. We suggest reading under your favorite blanket with a flashlight to set the mood. Happy Samhain. Stay spooky.

Summer Solstice no 10

Reparations Issue

If revenge is a dish best served cold then are reparations best served hot and eaten with your hands? In the record-setting blistering heat of this summer season LGC opened Pandora's Box and set loose the demons within. From World War II survivors seeking legal reparations to 14th century Pirate Queens wreaking havoc to the individual aftermath of a modern day mugging to mermaids regaining their sharp siren ways to antebellum inheritances to the crashing of the US economy: our columnists, authors, and artists dug their toes in the dirt, raised their fists, and howled to the heavens. Broken but not forgotten... Promises, treaties, laws, bodies, and common decency are unearthed to be revived by the descendants of the perpetrators and the betrayed. But do not forget we celebrate the Summer Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere. The longest day and the shortest night. Our moon priestess channels the energies of the planet to guide you through the season and our Black Lake Witch tells you how to turn it up for your solstice celebration. So slather on your sunscreen, find your flip-flops, grab your beach towel, and pour yourself an icy drink. It's time to hang with your spooky friends.

Spring Issue 2023 no. 9

Panic Issue

Don't panic. Hello my loves. I feel you. We have been struggling the past three years. Panic seems too mild. Welcome to the shit storm. If we can't laugh anymore we can at least scream.

We have an international buffet of "what the fuck" short stories and poetry for you to enjoy. We also welcome two new columnists to our motley crew of rebels and n'er-do-wells.

Change your pajamas, wash your face, and fill your cup. It's time to people in the most minimal amount you can handle. The Last Girls Club is here for you. Our witch even has a seasonal signature cocktail for you.

Enjoy the madness of our unfettered dark feminine. Hopefully it will tide you over until the summer. Until then, may the shadows embrace you and the monsters fear you more.

Winter 2022 Issue no. 8 Homeless Nation $18

Welcome back my favorite naughty list top offenders. This holiday season Last Girls Club celebrates Yule with our very own witch Gina McMillen. Our new cemetery profiler Anna Wood takes us to some magical catacombs in Colma, CA. Our moon priestess Sopurkh explores death and rebirth in the darkness of winter. Take the Winter Icon quiz to find out how cold your soul really is.

Our fact and fiction explores the horror of the unhoused. A very real terror with few escapes. As the nights grow darker and colder, as we hunker down into our blankets, LGC does not forget those left out in the cold. We see you. We fear for you. We hope for a better future for all not some. We will keep speaking out and seeking a better tomorrow. See you next year. And as always, may the shadows embrace you and the monsters fear you more.

Fall 2022 Issue no. 7 Thoughts & Prayers $18USD

Welcome back dear faithful followers. This season Last Girls Club explores Thoughts & Prayers, in all their glory and hypocrisy. From the food of godless angels, to the thoughtless phrase of dismissive absolution; we plunge our hands up to the elbows in the ether to yank free new fiction squalling and kicking into the universe. Cities of the Dead takes you to a tiny pet cemetery off the coast of California. Our columnist shares her journey of an early hysterectomy for crippling pain. Our editor in chief reviews from the perspective of her own recent widowhood Alex Garland's latest film MEN, a lush British folk horror about a haunted widow. Our moon priestess reveals your auspicious days in the coming season for you to light your candles accordingly. See you in the Winter. And as always, may the shadows embrace you and the monsters fear you more.

Summer 2022 Issue no.6 $18

Welcome back lovers. This season Last Girls Club explores sex work, the pitfalls, the legalities, and the joy that can be found in a job well done. Imagine a world where instead of a culture of exploitation and criminalization, sex trade would be exactly that: a trade of services for money, without legal or moral censure.

Workers could unionize, have health insurance, and full autonomy of their own bodies. Persecution by sexually repressed institutions and individuals could be prosecuted by the law and provide protection for the sex workers. Assault and murder would no longer be considered acceptable outcomes of "risky lifestyles". Serial killers would no longer have open hunting grounds on our streets of individuals that law enforcement ignores. Sex education would lose its taboo nature and humans could become informed about their bodies and celebrate their desires in safe environments with trained individuals to guide them. Incels would realize they have outlets to build their self-esteem and feel seen. The social ripples of this new way of thinking in the paradigm could change the world in ways we can't even imagine, if we only weren't too scared to try.

Well, here at the Last Girls Club, we aren't scared to dream crazy dreams and try new things. Jump in. Let's get weird. Thank you for sticking with us. See you in the Fall. And as always, may the shadows embrace you and the monsters fear you more.

Spring Issue Active Shooter

Issue no. 5 $18 USD

Issue no. 5 comes in locked and loaded with no BS. Our heavy metal Spinster of Horror Jessica Parant explores the #NONOTORIETY movement and the evolution of crime reporting. Producer of Black Women Are Scary podcast Wi-Moto Nyoka creates a conversation of intervention before tragedy and the million dollar business of active shooting training and prevention. Our editor in chief Eda Obey confesses to being a red flag student while owning an AR-15. Along with a collection of stories and poems that probe the collective trauma of us all, while asking, “Was that firecrackers? Is that screaming?”

Winter Issue Devout

Issue no. 4 $18 USD

Feeling chilly? Need to get your blood pumping to warm your bones? Curl up with us. We’ll get your heart racing. Get your copy of the Winter Solstice edition of The Last Girls Club. Let our moon priestess reveal your destiny, tour our featured cemetery, debate death and god with our columnists, and enjoy a creepy slice of international terror. Buy it if you have the guts.

Fall Issue

Gay 90s

Issue no 3 $18 USD

The 1990s were a dark time. The AIDS/HIV epidemic was still raging. Many were closeted out of fear. A lot of the history I see of this time period has a rainbow fabulousity filter that was not my experience. The gay world I moved through was goth, androgynous, punk, sexually ambivalent/experimental, horror themed, blood drenched, and scandalous. Way more Hellraiser than Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Come play with us.

Summer Cover 2021

Summer Issue Mad Queens Issue no. 2 $18 USD

Midsummer celebrates Mad Queens. What are Disney and fairy tales telling us about women in power? And should we embrace it? Visit the open air temple to California's mythical Black Amazon Queen. Get your moon priestess reading. Take our quiz to find out which mad queen you are. Enjoy a collection of horror poetry and fiction that celebrates unbridled power.


Spring Issue

Strange Births

Issue no. 1 $25 USD

The first issue of Last Girls Club magazine is dedicated to spring and weird eldritch things emerging. Discover an international compendium of the dark feminine poised to strum your nervous system like a ukulele. Get in, Stupid. Let’s Party.

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Editor in Chief

Eda Easter is a lifelong horror and surrealism fan. A Texas based writer that has written in multiple genres and been published in e-zines and print journals; she’s into jazz, classic horror, animal allegories, and traveling. Her horror influences are Robert Bloch, Ari Aster, Poppy Z Brite, John Carpenter, Shirley Jackson, Clive Barker, and Tarsem Singh. Embracing the quarantine like a Bronte sister, she wrote the splatterpunk novella Killer RV: Nothing like a bucket list with a body count.