Submissions are now CLOSED. Next call is April 1-15. Last Girls Club Summer 25 Issue Theme is For Your Own Good. This phrase should make your skin crawl. Anything done for your own good means your self autonomy has been compromised. Is it the government The church? Your family? What have they done or taken away. Make us wince in sympathy. Acceptances will be notified on May 20.
No more than two fiction stories per author per submission period.
Authors must be 18+. Submissions from underage authors will not be considered.
All submissions must be submitted as .doc or .docx 12 pt Times New Roman. Please do not copy/paste onto an email.
Short Story-2,500 words or less. $0.015 USD per word/$37.50 USD max upon acceptance and a PDF of the magazine issue
Poems-less than 200 words $10 upon acceptance and a PDF of the magazine issue
Flash Fiction-less than a 1,000 words $0.015 USD per word/$15 USD max upon acceptance and a PDF of the magazine issue
Nonfiction/Reviews 1500-2500 words contact editor to pitch your idea
All contributors are paid by PayPal or World Remit.
Welcome intrepid writer,
I created this space for problematic fiction. It’s fearless, feminine, sometimes fairy-tale based, and usually ends with blood. My heroines are flawed, angry, not interested in being loved, and not afraid to get ugly. Fierce. You don’t have to identify as female to submit to us, but you best come proper. You’re in the halls of the goddess. Remember that.
What I am Looking For:
I want stories from the female gaze (think Aliens, Resident Evil, Hereditary, Tank Girl). I’m tired of reading what men want to do to us. I want to read what we want to do to them. Bring me smart female protagonists whose first inclinations are not to seduce the guard to get out of situations; they’ve got skills, they can get violent easily. I’m fine with them developing over the course of the story into someone like that, but please don’t revert to clichés unless you have your tongue firmly in your cheek. Please don’t use graphic rape for fridging purposes. If it’s part of a character’s backstory or development, fine, but don’t shoot the damn dog just to piss off your main character.
My focus is horror, supernatural, and creeping dread. I’m not averse to extreme/slasher horror. I always love a bit of sci-fi or dystopia, but it’s not our focus, so if it’s your venue, make it scary. If you spackle a layer of women’s issues into it, even better; such as disenfranchisement, slut-shaming, violence against trans people, racism, misogyny, sex work exploitation, inequitable emotional work and housework, whatever exists in this world that pisses you off, feel free to put a metaphorical ax between its eyebrows.
Content Guidelines:
Please Read Carefully. If not followed, submission will be rejected.
Submissions must be fiction or poetry and on theme. Nonfiction should be queried by email before submission.
All submissions must be written in clear, concise language and under 2,500 words for fiction, under 1,000 words for flash fiction, under 200 for poetry. No exceptions.
I do not want sex scenes with a murder at the end. Sex may be used judiciously, but this ain’t Penthouse Forum.
I do not want stories with male main characters.
I do not allow submissions whose sole intent is to sell or promote a book, blog, or product. If you have a book, blog, or product you’d like to promote, you can include it in your author bio.
All submissions must be in English and free of grammar, spelling, or language issues.
All submitted stories are subject to editing for grammar, spelling, formatting, and minor language fixes. I will not heavily edit stories, but may change formatting, or change paragraph and line breaks to increase readability.
No previously published work will be considered.
Acceptances will be announced two weeks after submission closing date.
Your story will be promoted on our Facebook and Twitter page on day of publication, but please take initiative and promote yourself on your own social media platforms. Let’s make this a community of writers and readers.
Please include your name, a link to any social media platforms you promote your writing on, one or two links to previous publications or posts if relevant, a short bio (100 words max), and why you think your story fits feminist horror.
Eda Easter
Editor in Chief LGC