Love Child


Rebecca Leivesley

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They hung around her like flies

Too young

Too alone

They whispered.

But still I crawled out of that

Abused womb with one

Of my own-

One lifeless body

To another-

Along with another voice,

Another face

Where soft baby skin

Should have been.


I could have been twice as beautiful,

Twice as loveable,


Nobody will marry this

Might as well toss it out.

Disgusting Frankenstein baby,

Ugly little rag doll child.

Just throw me in the river

Who am I to be loved?


They can’t drown us

The voice whispered,

We’d only grow gills.

They cannot burn us,

Scales will form to protect us.


Oh, half consumed sister,

You’re right.

What is love

When we drink their blood like milk?

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Rebecca Leivesley grew up in the Scottish Highlands where she spent her childhood being surrounded by haunted castles, immense forests, and stories of bloody battles- the perfect place for an aspiring writer to grow up.  She has a degree in Filmmaking and Screenwriting and runs a successful poetry blog. You can visit her HERE.


In the Womb


Pain Children